Acne Update- Oral & Topical Antibiotics Did the Trick

For the past two weeks, my skin has been pretty amazing. I hate to even type that because it's like asking for my skin to go on strike, but it's true.  I started to take my minocycline antibiotics twice daily, as prescribed (for the first two weeks I was only taking them once daily) and my acne pretty much completely cleared up. My skin is back to the way it was when I was on the pill.

I still have some pigmentation issues, especially on my back, but overall my skin is looking good, especially on my face.

So what I've been doing has been working---but I am going to stop taking the antibiotics in a couple of weeks because I don't want to be on them long term.

The one thing I did change was I stopped using the foam antibiotic on my back because it was doing nothing. I occasionally use a Benzoyl Peroxide cream to treat select areas of my back, at night time only, but lately I haven't even had to do that.

If you don't remember from my last post, here is what cleared up my skin:

applied topically, once per day (at night only)
to my chin and jaw area only (the only area I break out)

Taken twice per day, morning and night
Used to cleanse skin at night---sometimes in the morning if skin is very flaky---
used primarily on chin/jaw area---but also on my nose and cheeks and forehead.
Still using the Proactiv Refining Mask as an overnight spot treatment---
preventatively , since there haven't really been many spots to treat.
Obviously I'm thrilled that my skin looks good---and that I'm not dealing with painful cysts...but it's going to be interesting to see what happens when I stop taking the antibiotics.

This acne regimen worked---and I was actually quite surprised that all it took was antibiotics (both oral and topical). I truly thought that I'd need Benzoyl Peroxide or Salicylic Acid to get rid of the acne on my face.
Have oral and topical antibiotics worked for your acne?  My plan is to continue to use the topical antibiotic when I stop taking the oral antibiotics. I'll continue to do skincare updates as I discontinue take the oral meds.

Thank you for reading and hope you has a great weekend!...and before I go, a cute pic of Lulu and I, just because...


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