Today, I'm delighted to have Natasha guest posting about a topic that is so important and that a lot of moms can relate to- going back to work after having a baby. As you know, I get 12 weeks of maternity leave and will be returning to work after that. I am blessed to have a job that I really love and get a lot of fulfillment from, but that doesn't make it much easier to think about leaving sweet little Harper. I've been a longtime reader of Natasha's blog and love her approach to parenting. Also, her son Ethan is one of the most adorable little boys I've ever seen. Look at that face! Read below to get Natasha's best tips for moms returning to work...
Hi there! I'm Natasha and I blog over at Schue Love, which centers around all things that I love, in particular, my son Ethan! I've followed Veronika's blog from the start and am so overjoyed that she recently got to meet her beautiful daughter...isn't she precious? Even though Ethan is almost a year old, it feels like just yesterday that I got to meet him for the very first time. It certainly goes by quickly!
Since Veronika is planning to be a working mom, I thought I would touch on some things that I've learned along the way and offer some advice on going back to work.
Being a working mom is by no means an easy choice to make. In fact, it seems like a lot of mommy bloggers are SAHM's {stay at home moms} and it can often be difficult to decide what's best for you and your family, especially when comparing to the blogging world. There are definitely pros and cons to staying at home versus working but I'd like to talk a bit about what I love about being a working mom.
For me, going back to work was an emotional choice, but ultimately the right one...and almost a year later, I can say that I really do love it. First and foremost, I like that I'm a role model for Ethan. I know that he may not understand it now, but I want him to know and respect the fact that I am pursuing a career that's fulfilling and challenging. I want to inspire him to become educated and go after his dreams. Second, on a more selfish note, I really do like the fact that I can get dressed up in the morning and feel accomplished by the end of the day. I appreciate my time with Ethan so much more at night and on the weekends and I also know he's gaining great social skills while I'm away. Last, I love that I am contributing financially to my family. We aren't stretched for money like we would be if I was staying at home right now and I love being able to spoil Ethan with fun toys and new clothes. My husband says we're lucky we don't have a girl right now because we would probably be joke!'re in trouble ! ;)
Some advice on going back to work:
Negotiate a Flexible Work Schedule
When I first went back to work, I worked from home two days a week. I know this option is not available to everyone but it really helped with my transition back to work. Most companies will work with you to find a schedule that works for both parties and it really is the best of both worlds. And even if working from home is not an option, talk with your manager about leaving early or taking a day off a couple times a month.
Find a Great Nanny or Daycare
We are fortunate to live close to family, so Ethan's grandma watches him a couple times a week and then we have a nanny that watches him the rest of the time. I would definitely start looking for childcare options while you're still pregnant so you have plenty of time to interview and make a choice that you're most comfortable with. Ethan loves both his grandma and nanny and it makes us feel really good to know he's so well taken care of when we're away from him. I know some daycares even have video monitors so you can check in during the work awesome is that?
Get Friendly with Your Pump
If you plan to breastfeed when you go back to work, then you need to get friendly with your pump stat. There are a lot of opinions on when to pump and how often, but for me, I pumped three times a day at work for about 10-20 minutes each. Your workplace should have a suitable space for you to pump and store your milk, so talk to them now about those options so you're all set for when you go back.
Figure out Which Bottle Works Best
Speaking of pumping, you'll also have to figure out which bottle works best and my suggestion is to start sooner than later. Have your husband give the baby a bottle a couple times a week so he or she can become familiar with it. We love Dr. Brown's bottles the best but have about five different options available!
Take Some Time Away Now
It should go without saying that you need your "me" time in those first few take it and don't feel guilty about it. As you get closer to the time that you're going back to work, consider having your nanny or daycare watch your baby for a couple hours so they get familiar {and you do too!} with each other. It's nice to have a test run, especially to make sure you don't forget anything and all parties feel comfortable. Plus a pedicure or lunch date with your hubby goes a long way those first few months!
I hope the above helps...and Veronika...soak it all in! Enjoy those cuddles and sweet moments. Congrats again!
xo natasha
I hope the above helps...and Veronika...soak it all in! Enjoy those cuddles and sweet moments. Congrats again!
xo natasha
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