Apricot & Shrimp Skewers for Summer

One of my New Year's resolutions was to cook more often and learn to make differenct dishes. I was so resistant to recipes. I hated that there were rules and measuring and grocery lists with seemingly endless ingredients to buy.

However, I've changed my tune lately. I've learned to kind of enjoy making different dishes and I am proud of myself everytime I try a new one. I've learned to embrace recipes and come to understand that you have to measure it all out for a reason (because um, otherwise, you'll end up with horrible chicken parmasen one night...not to be too specific or anything, but gosh it was bad).

Today I bring you yet another recipe I saw in Women's Health magazine. I modified it in two ways- we didn't make these as skewers and I didn't use a grill, just a plain ol' pan.

It turns out that my husband hates/loathes/despises both peaches and apricots. In fact, his exact words were "if I was on a deserted island and the only food source were peaches or apricots, I would drown myself." Heavy. 

I loved this meal, and H loved the marinated shrimp, but he pushed all of the apricots back onto my plate after giving his deserted island speech. Haha. Keepin' it real, ladies.
Here's what you'll need:

2 tbsp + 2 tsp canola oil
1 tsp lemon zest
Juice of 1 lemon
1/3 cup parsley, finely chopped
3 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 lb large shrimp, peeled and deveined
6 apricots, quartered, pits removed
12 metal or soaked wooden skewers
Lemon wedges

You can find the instructions here, on the Barre Studio's blog.

Delicious!  Share your favorite summertime recipes below!


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