Motivation Mondays: Stephanie from GooberMonkey! (She Lost Over 100 lbs!)

In today's Motivation Monday, you'll meet StephanieA working mom to two (awesome) kids who has lost over 100 lbs. You read correctly, over 100 lbs!  I was so inspired by her story that I just had to ask her to share it with us.  Stephanie writes a blog called GooberMonkey where she chronicles her weight loss and writes about her family, too.

Please welcome Stephanie and enjoy her story:

You have an incredible weight loss story (congratulations!)---tell us what drove you to finally make the lifestyle change to get healthy?  Thank you :)  The easiest way to say it is the bluntest: I was tired of being fat and overweight.  I literally woke up one morning and just started a healthier life.
Tell us more about your weight loss journey---highs, lows and everything in between.
I got pregnant and miscarried in 2007.  I was so incredibly depressed that I spent a lot of time eating - food filled that empty void.  My husband and I kept trying to get pregnant, and it just wasn't happening.  After seeing my doctor and being told that IVF would probably be the only route we could go, we gave up trying.  I started eating even more, unbelievably depressed and upset.  I jumped from 195 (my wedding day weight) to 220 pounds.

In January 2008, I was feeling "off" and took a pregnancy test.  I figured it would be one thing I could easily rule out, but to my surprise, it was positive.  We had a few scares during my pregnancy and I just kept eating.  Chipotle burritos were a huge mainstay.  There were a few times where I ate Chipotle several times a week for both lunch AND dinner.  I just kept eating and eating and eating...and even though I was pregnant, most of my weight gain was from me eating all.the.time.

The day I left the hospital after having my son, I weighed 269 pounds. 

When I went back to work after 6 weeks of maternity leave, someone that I worked with who I had not seen in some time due to their traveling, asked me when I was due to give birth.  Not only was I mortified, but I spent a good amount of time in the bathroom crying.  None of my pre-pregnancy clothes fit.  I was in a size 22 pant and an XXL shirt.  I started to lose a little bit of weight here and there, but nothing astounding.  I sort of stalled around the 240 mark, and really wasn't giving it my all.  I was able to squeeze into a size 20 pant, but was like stuffing a sausage into a too tight casing.

I complained to someone about my appearance, and the comment back stuck to me like glue: “Why even bother losing weight?  You’re a Mom now.  No one cares what you look like.”

That phrase still jumps out at me once in awhile.  It still makes me angry.  But that is the comment that really launched me into weight loss mode.
at 269 lbs.

What did you do to lose the weight and get healthy? tell us about your workouts and eating habits
My initial large weight loss consisted of me counting calories and tracking them on Sparkpeople.  I worked out quite a bit to the 30 Day Shred, kept sweets to a very bare minimum, and the weight started melting off.

I set an initial weight loss goal to get to 190 pounds by the time we went on a cruise in September 2009, and I missed it by 5 pounds (not too shabby though!).  I was sitting at a 74 pound weight loss at that point.

I got down to 174 pounds and then stalled.  And got lazy.  I started to not care about what I was eating, and I crept back up to 186 pounds. 

In March 2011, I was sponsored by Medifast to try their program in exchange for blogging.  Since joining their program, I hit my goal of 160 pounds (I went under it and range from 155-158, depending on how much water I get in each day).  I still do various workouts like the Ab Ripper X DVD from P90X, 30 Day Shred, and I am training for a half marathon in October!  Something I never thought I'd be able to do.

I hardly eat sweets now (I talk about them a lot, lol...but I rarely eat them) and my days are filled with tons of fresh veggies, lots of protein, and when I DO have something sweet it's generally a Medifast made item (like the homemade Recee's Peanut Butter Cup...YUM!).

Then and Now!

How do you feel now?  What does it feel like to have accomplished something so incredible?
It's almost hard to boss asked me the same thing recently.  It's a total of 110 pounds that I've lost since I've had my son.  That's an entire person.  I don't breathe heavy when I walk now, I do not struggle to find things to wear.  Sometimes I am surprised to see myself in the mirror since I look so incredibly different!

How has your weight loss impacted your family life and how do you make the time to keep your health and fitness goals as a priority with your busy family life?
My husband has been overweight his entire adult life, and truthfully, he was a bit jealous that I just charged into losing weight.  I changed our dinner habits to healthier eating for the whole family, but it was still hard on him.  He was sponsored by Medifast last month to try out the program to see how he would do, and I am happy to report that he has lost over 30 pounds this past month, and Medifast is sponsoring him for another month.  He is learning how to read labels, proper portion control, and he has more energy that I've seen in years.

We try to go out on family walks at least once a week.  If it's not a walk up to the park and back (about a mile round-trip) then we will spend a day every weekend walking around a theme park.
@240 lbs.
What was the most difficult part of reaching your weight loss goals?
Falling back into old habits.  I started eating just as badly as I used to, so it was no surprise that I gained weight back. 

Now that you've met your goals, what other goals have you set for yourself to continue with your new lifestyle?
I want to try and do a marathon or half marathon once a year.  I plan on working out, at a minimum, three times a week.  I feel better about myself after a good workout!

How has your new body affected the way you dress and style yourself? What are some of your favorite places to shop for clothes?
I still do not really have "style" per se, but I am in love with most anything from j.crew.  My wallet does not love this. ;)  But before I lost the weight, I never could have fit into any of their clothing!  Now, most all of my work clothes are exclusively from there.  I went from a size 22 pant and an XXL shirt to a size 8/10 pant and a S-M shirt!
@195 lbs.

What are 5 beauty products that you can't live without?
I am a big Aveda girl! :)  My bathroom closet looks a bit like Aveda exploded into it.  So my top 5 are all Aveda items.
  •  Smooth Infusion Style Prep Smoother - helps keep flyaways at bay (and I have very thin, frizzy hair so this is a daily MUST!)
  • Phomolliet Styling Foam - smells awesome and gives your hair lots of body
  • Caribbean Therapy Body Scrub - the smell reminds me of my favorite place on Earth (Castaway Cay, Disney's private island) and makes your skin feel fresh and smooth
  • Caribbean Therapy Body Cream - a super thick lotion which zaps my dry skin away (something that is super common here in Florida!) but doesn't like your hands feeling greasy
  • Lip Saver SPF 15 - The sun is awful here in Florida, and this chapstick type lip lotion makes your lips full soft and protects them from harmful rays.

What accomplishment, aside from your incredible weight loss are you most proud of?
As absolutely corny as it sounds, I am most proud of being a Mom to my two kids (Madison is 10 and Zach is 2).  They are my biggest fans, my biggest supporters, and are the greatest kids a parent could ask for.  Even with sibling rivalry and potty training issues, I am always so proud to call them my Goober Grape and Monkey Man.

Thank you SO much Stephanie for motivating and inspiring us this Monday!  Got questions for Stephanie? Ask them in the comments below, head over to her blog or tweet her @GooberMonkey78




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