First Baby Shower!

Words can't express how blessed I'm feeling today.  My mother-in-law's friends hosted a beautiful baby shower for me and I'm feeling so grateful for all of the incredible love and support we've received as we celebrated our impending bundle of joy.

(The entire party!)

I was so lucky to find the perfect baby shower dress---but I can't take credit for it at all---the beautiful Kristen over at Love, Lipstick and Pearls (we are a week apart in our pregnancies!) wore it to her baby shower and when I saw how beautiful it was I knew I had to get it!

Kristen shared with me that she got the dress on's the Gabriella Rocha Hally dress in "mint" (buy it here).  It is the most comfortable dress ever! I had been searching for a long time for a dress to wear to my baby shower since I had ordered one from Forever21 but was disappointed that half of the bottom of the dress was sheer.  I absolutely love the simple style and fit of the Gabriella Rocha dress.  I purchased it in two sizes---small and medium and tried them both on when they arrived just two days later (Zappos has the BEST shipping ever).  I stuck with the size small, which is what I would have purchased pre-pregnancy.  I found that the medium had a lot of extra fabric in the back that was just gathering and bunching on me.  I think this dress will fit great post-pregnancy too and I'm considering purchasing it in a second color when I send back the size medium. So size-wise, I would say it fits TTS for anyone contemplating a purchase.  It's super stretchy too, which is a bonus for anyone with a larger chest.

(Before we left the house)

I finally wore these gorgeous J.Crew earrings. I had been wanting to save them for a special occasion and they went perfectly with my mint green dress.  I kinda want to wear them everyday...ha!

(with my mother-in-law before heading to the shower)

The baby shower was so much fun---it was nice to catch up with a lot of the ladies I hadn't seen in awhile and just to share excitement about the baby.  It was also great to get tips from everyone---a lot of the ladies care for their young grandchildren all of the time so it's great to hear their feedback about the best products for baby as well as their parenting wisdom!

(the sweetest idea---the ladies got this for my mother-in-law as 
a "grandma-to-be" essentials kit!)

Towards the end of the shower, my husband came to the house to say hello and thank all of the ladies for their generosity.  Once the guests had left, we took a few photos by the pool since we realized we hardly had any photos together where I'm pregnant.

...and then I took a few with Candice since she and I literally don't have even one photo together during my pregnancy! I love these photos! Such beautiful scenery...

...and here's a group shot of the three shower hostesses, me, MIL and Candice:

When we got home, we opened the trunk of our car and wow...

We just feel really thankful and blessed.  I've already unpacked most of the items in the nursery and some of the bigger items (like the swing, bouncer and pack n' play) will stay in their boxes for the next few weeks as we finish the nursery and figure out a place for everything.

Next weekend Candice is hosting my second shower for my friends and I can't wait! I also can't believe there are just seven and a half weeks left until we meet our baby girl...

Thank you for reading and hope you're having an amazing weekend!


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