33 weeks

I had my 34 week appointment a day early this week and I mentioned to my OB some of my worries about the baby's movement.  Some days she is so active that I wonder why I even worry...and other days I panic when I don't feel her for a few hours or feel very minimal movement throughout the day.  My OB put me on a fetal monitor during my appointment yesterday for 20 minutes for what's called a non-stress test (NST).  I had heard of them before but never had one.  The baby was really active during the test and her heartbeat and everything else was great (also, no contractions at all detected, which didn't surprise me because I haven't yet experienced any Braxton Hicks).  

My OB ordered me to have a 20-minute NST once a week for the rest of my pregnancy. I was surprised that my OB recommended this but I also learned through both my OB and an online forum for moms and soon-to-be-moms that it's not uncommon--- a lot of women have NSTs throughout their pregnancies and especially in the last trimester. More than anything, it feels reassuring to know that the baby is okay---and also to know that if anything was out of the ordinary, I would know sooner.

I'm a chronic worrier and I was actually really proud of myself during this pregnancy for being relatively calm and anxiety-free...until third trimester came along and then a lot of my worries just flooded back. I think it's normal to feel anxious at this stage because it's so close and you've got all of this anticipation and you just want your baby to be okay. I'm glad my OB errs on the side of "better safe than sorry." I have a family history of clotting issues so it provides more peace of mind for me to have weekly monitoring for these last several weeks.

Speaking of my OB appointment, another thing we discussed is baby girl's position.  She is still in a transverse lie so my OB ordered an ultrasound for my 36 week appointment in two weeks to check on both position and growth.  I have started doing inversions from spinningbabies.com as well as pelvic thrusts to try and get the baby to turn.  I know I still have time, but the larger the baby gets, the more difficult it can be for baby to turn (though it's still possible, of course, some babies turn at the last minute).  She seems comfortable in there but I'm trying to do everything I can to get her to turn because I'd really like to have the option of a vaginal birth.  If she is not turned by 36 weeks, my OB will schedule a c-section and then of course that will be cancelled if she does end up turning prior to that date.  I'm not willing to try an external version---the success rate is not high (and the baby can turn back around even if the doctor manages to turn the baby) and the risks are personally something I'm not willing to chance.  I know there are risks with everything, but even my OB does not like to do external versions and I value her advice and experience.

At the end of the day---my birth plan has and always will be to be educated about my options and then to make choices based on what is best for the health of the baby and myself.  I don't have a "dream" birth plan---my only wish, hope and dream is that I am holding a healthy baby in my arms at the end of it all---and that I'm healthy too. 

That may sound cheesy but that's truly how I feel.  Labor is unpredictable for every woman. You don't know how you'll feel, how your body will react, etc.  I always wondered how someone could say "I would NEVER get an epidural" because I always felt that's a decision I personally couldn't make outside of the moment of actually being in labor and experiencing those sensations---and then deciding what I wanted based on that.  I think every woman should do what she feels is right for her and her baby---I'm just very open to whatever kind of experience brings my baby girl into this world safely.  

There are of course some things that I do really care about when it comes to my post-birthing experience---and those are immediate skin-to-skin and attempting breastfeeding as soon as possible after delivery.  Other than those two things, I really don't have a pre-determined vision of how it will all go.

One of the reasons I don't want to become too wrapped up in a formal plan or vision of how I hope my birthing experience will go is because I don't want to potentially set myself up for disappointment during such an emotional and life-changing time.  I don't want to put myself in a position where I will be upset if something doesn't go the way I had hoped---because labor is just one of those completely-out-of-your-control things...so to try and fit that experience into a really constructed plan isn't a good choice for me.
Usually I like to feel in control and have a plan for everything in life---but this is one of the few areas where I have an "anything goes" mentality.  I've heard from so many moms and read a lot of birth stories online where women were really disappointed with their birth experiences and my motto has always been healthy baby in my arms= successful and amazing birth experience, no matter how it all went down. This isn't to say that my "plan" or way of thinking will ensure that I am happy with every aspect of what ends up happening, but I think it will allow me to have a more open and relaxed attitude.  Only time will tell.

Did you have a birth plan/vision of how your birth would go when you went to the hospital or was your attitude more like mine?  

How far along? 33 weeks (I do these a week behind as a recap of the previous week, so I'm actually 34 weeks today).  Just 6 more weeks to go! Eeeepp!

Total weight gain/loss: I found out at my 34 week appointment that I've gained 22 lbs. so far. 

Maternity clothes? I'm basically wearing a uniform at this point. I've moved all of my favorite pregnancy tops to the front of my closet and I just rotate like five different outfits.  Not exciting, but I'm still working full time and I need to be comfortable at work.  Most days I wear my black GAP skinny pants with flats and a tank and blazer.  Sometimes I wear a stretchy-material dress. I'm also still wearing the shelf bras that I talked about in last week's post. On weekends, I pretty much exclusively wear maxi dresses or Lululemon gear.

Stretch marks? Not yet, I'm continuing to use Belli's Elasticity Belly OilMamma Mio Tummy Rub and Mustela double-action stretch mark cream in rotation. 

Symptoms: The same as last week---rib pain, tiredness, back pain when I'm sitting for a long time and overall just feeling more emotional.

Sleep: I feel like I get a good amount of sleep. I never feel too draggy in the morning, but I get really tired around 3 PM everyday. I am still waking several times a night to pee, as expected when baby is on your bladder.

Best moment this week: Celebrating our baby girl at my second baby shower and spending time with one of my best friends Heather who flew in from Canada. One of my best friends from back home also gave birth to her beautiful baby girl last Saturday and I had a total meltdown when I saw her photo (total ugly-cry).  I am just so happy for her and was so overwhelmed with emotion that one of my best friends became a momma. Love that baby girl so much already.

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Being able to sit at my desk without being incredibly uncomfortable

Movement: As you read in my post today, some days baby girl seems to be having a dance party and other days she is kind of on and off with her movement.  Today, for example, she has been all over the place rolling, kicking and swooshing around in there.  I find that when I'm really busy or walking around a lot I feel her less. I know it's normal for babies to have periods of wakefulness and sleepiness---I find that if she has a super active day one day, she will be quieter the next day.

Food cravings: Honey Nut Cheerios with milk, Reeces peanut butter cups, cookies n' cream ice cream 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really.

Have you started to show yet: Most definitely!

Taken at 33 weeks, 3 days

Taken at 33 weeks, 2 days

Baby is a: Girl!

Belly Button in or out? Complete outie and oddly flat.  I am not regretting piercing my belly button...twice (top and bottom) because those holes are not looking good all stretched out. They never closed even after years of no jewelry in them and now they are taking on a whole new look.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy---and emotional.

Looking forward to: 

Thank you for reading and for all of my pregnant readers, please feel free to check in below as well and let me know how your pregnancy is going :) I also welcome everyone's advice and comments about pregnancy!


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