Pregnancy Skin Care: My Updated Skincare Routine

Before we started trying to conceive, I stopped taking antibiotics for my acne (I had only used them for about 2 months or a little less---you can read about that here). I was still using the Proactiv Refining Mask as a spot treatment, but about 2 weeks after I got my positive OPK read, I stopped using topicals too, "just in case." 

The first month and a half or so of my pregnancy, my skin was pretty incredible. It was more oily, but it was also very clear. I did still struggle with blackheads, but my acne was gone.  I'm still not sure if it was due to a surge in hormones or if my antibiotics had wiped it all out and kept it from coming back for a couple of months.

After the initial six weeks or so of pretty great skin, I did start to experience some breakouts, but they were different than the cystic acne I used to have. I still break out, mostly on my chin and jaw, but they are not as cystic/under the skin and painful as they used to be (although I will get an under the skin one occasionally).  The acne on my back also went away which I was thrilled about---though I have gotten a few pimples on my chest randomly since being pregnant.

For the first couple of months my skincare routine was incredibly simple: I used my La Roche Posay Effaclar cleanser (it doesn't contain salicylic acid or other no-no ingredients) and then applied my Neutrogena sensitive skin moisturizer on top.  That's it. At night, I had the same routine only I added eye cream (I was using Kiehl's).

Recently I ordered products from the Belli skincare line.  The line was created by a doctor and made with pregnancy-safe ingredients so I didn't have to stress about what I was using on my skin and could still use a spot treatment. I purchased the facial scrub, eye cream, spot treatment and belly oil.  So here's what my skincare routine looks like now.

  • Wash face with LRP Effaclar cleanser
  • Apply Neutrogena sensitive skin moisturizer
  • Apply Mamma Mio Tummy Rub (if I remember!)

Night (before bed):
  • Wash face with LRP Effaclar cleanser (with Clarisonic Mia)
  • A few times a week use the Belli scrub on my face
  • Apply Neutrogena sensitive skin moisturizer
  • Apply Belli eye cream
  • Apply Belli spot treatment if needed (usually just areas on my chin/jaw-this product is very drying so apply lightly)
  • Apply Belli elasticity belly oil

So, as you can see, my skincare routine is pretty simple these days. I am happy with it though. One odd thing I've noticed is that my forehead is a little bumpy sometimes, texture wise. It's like little tiny bumps but it's not excessive so most days I don't notice it much.  I also noticed more recently, between about 16-18 weeks of pregnancy that my jaw and chin areas are experiencing more blackheads and pimples than before. I usually can't resist extracting them which I know isn't good.

I didn't really know how pregnancy would affect my skin.  I would say my skin is just slightly worse now than how it was when I was on the pill-and it's slightly more oily. My dermatologist once told me that if your skin looks good on birth control, it will probably react similarly during pregnancy.  In my case, that appears to hold somewhat true.

How was your skin during pregnancy and how did your skincare routine change? Leave me a comment below, I love to hear your advice and experiences!


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