2013 Thoughts & Happy New Year!

2012 just flew by...I can't believe I have been at my new job almost a year and that so much has changed. I feel happier and more fulfilled than ever before and I hope that will only continue to grow tremendously.

Happy New Year, from LULU!

Something I touched on last year was a resolution I kept and I've seen it do amazing things in my life. That resolution was to be thankful, particularly when it comes to prayer.  When we acknowledge things we are thankful for and thank God for the blessings in our lives, I believe He blesses us even more.  It doesn't mean every day is perfect or that I never pray about things I worry about---but overall, my attitude is one of appreciation and recognition of my blessings. So if you're looking to make any resolutions this year, being more thoughtful about what you're thankful for is one I encourage you to consider.

As 2013 approaches, I find myself having a hard time coming up with resolutions because everything will change so much once the baby comes.  Having said that though, one thing I really want to work on is patience.  Being more patient will come in handy in so many aspects of my life. I'm not sure how to get there---but I am thinking that becoming a parent sort of helps you with your patience because babies are unpredictable and you have to learn to just go with it.

I've started to think too about the direction my blog is going to take once baby arrives.  I will be taking a 12 week maternity leave and then returning to work full time.  I plan to continue blogging, but I know the challenges of being a full time working mom will probably limit how much I can blog, though I do see a lot of moms who make it work beautifully and maybe I can too (only time will tell). If you are a mom who works full time, I would absolutely love to hear some of your best tips for staying organized and making a daily routine.

I also know that my blog will evolve into including posts about baby, motherhood, etc.  I will still post about products I love, home decor projects and outfits, but I know that I will also include baby updates, a nursery tour, favorite baby products, etc.  Personally, I love reading mommy blogs, especially when I can follow one of my favorite style bloggers as she becomes a mother, but I know that's not for everyone and I definitely understand if you just come here for the outfits or product reviews.

It will be interesting to see how my style evolves when I become a mother---or maybe it won't much at all since I'm returning to work? Either way, I can't wait to embark on that style journey.

I'm not making a formal list of resolutions this year. I think I have a lot of change coming my way already and that will be more than enough for me to handle.

I wish you and your family a happy and healthy New Year and may 2013 bring you all of the blessings you hope for.

Speaking of awesome momma bloggers, here are some of my favorite stylish mommas:

If you have a blog about your family or would like to recommend one of your favorites, please link it in the comments below!


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