It's a...


Can you believe it?! No one is more surprised than I am.  My husband has said from the start that we would have a girl and I was convinced baby was a boy (so much so that I didn't even look at girl clothes or anything girly during my pregnancy thus far). My reasoning? I am so girly, I must be having a boy.  I don't know why I felt that, but I did. 

The ballon aftermath, the next morning. We got these so when Kevin's 
parents came up our stairs it was the first thing they saw!

At our original elective ultrasound at 17 weeks, 3 days, baby's cord was between its legs the entire time so the tech could not tell us the sex.  We had planned to tell our family and closest friends at Christmas, but of course we were okay with waiting a few days until baby was ready. 

We went back on December 26th and this time, the moment she started the u/s, baby was in a perfect position and she said "I'm thinking girl..." as she continued to look at the screen and my husband lightly gasped a little and looked at me and I just was stunned (I think he basically had my reaction on my behalf). I kept saying, "no, I think there is a penis there, are you sure you don't see one?" The tech probably thinks I'm crazy, haha.  She kept looking, but we had a very clear potty shot---the only thing between the legs were those three white lines that indicate a girl. 

To humor me, she kept the u/s on so I could continue to see there were no boy parts.  We were thrilled (we would have been thrilled either way) but I'll admit I was still wondering after we left if it was really a girl.

I have always wanted at least one daughter and for some reason, I wasn't sure I'd ever have one.  I guess that's why it took me some time to really believe it.  Our anatomy scan is in a couple of weeks and I am going to ask them to reconfirm there as well, you know, just for fun (because obviously that scan is given for a much more important reason than finding out the sex of your baby).

So, if anything changes between now and my 20 week scan, I'll go buy some different color balloons, but for now, we are thrilled to welcome our daughter in May! We're feeling very blessed as we are about to enter the new year and we continue to pray for a healthy and happy baby. 

Thank you to everyone who has shown so much support throughout this pregnancy so far!  I really appreciate all of your comments and advice :)

Daddy to be!


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