Houston Fashionistas- Giveaway for Tickets to Fashion On Sale! (This Weekend!)

Calling all Houston fashionistas---you won't want to miss out on this!  CultureMap Houston is hosting a fabulous event called "CultureMap Fashion on Sale." It's a weekend-long event set to be the city's largest collection of local boutique retailers under one roof offering end-of-season steals and deals on clothes and accessories (and you KNOW how I love a sale!)Here are some highlights happening at Fashion on Sale:
  • Tootsie's will have over 2,000 items on sale and even will bring in lots of merchandise from Dallas
  • David Peck will custom design a piece specifically for the sale
  • Azur Salon will demo new hair extensions that literally take no longer than 10 minutes to put in
  • Edward Sanchez, Houston's make up maven will be demonstrating his new line of cosmetics
  • The overall boutique retailer count for this event is almost 50 now! You can view the full list of retailers here: http://houston.culturemap.com/fashion-on-sale

I feel like a lucky gal because CultureMap has inivited me to host a giveaway for 2 general admission tickets ($20 value, each) to this fashion extravaganza!  It's taking place at West Ave in River Oaks and you would be able to attend either on Saturday or Sunday.  This contest will end at 8 p.m. CST this Wednesday, January 11th (so I have time to notify CultureMap & the winners).

All you have to do to enter to win a free ticket to the show is to leave me a comment with your email address so I can contact you if you win.  I will be using random.org to generate the winner.

Good luck---and if you win, try to play nice while you're eyeing all of those designer goods...and if there's only one item left in your size, pounce on it like a ravenous cat who hasn't eaten in a week...just sayin'...after all, all's fair in love and war, right?!


PS- Not in Houston? You can still read my latest CultureMap article:
Make it a beautiful year: Top five beauty resolutions for a more gorgeous you.

PSS- I finally made a
Facebook Page for my blog---did you ever think it would happen?!  After reading J's article, I realized I was missing out by not offering my readers a chance to connect on Facebook.  Hope you'll join me there! Click here to go to my page.


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