24 weeks!

I know I touched on this last week---but I really love pregnancy. I feel blessed that I've been feeling so good these last couple of months.  I have a feeling I'll have a symptom pile-on in third trimester, but that's okay. I'm just trying to enjoy the experience as much as possible. I even joked with the husband that I'm not sure I can ever sleep without my Snoogle again (though, I do love stomach sleeping so it will be nice to be able to do that again).

Being just 4 months away from my due date is both exciting and kind of surreal. I often see people with their babies and I think to myself, wow, we will have one of those amazing miracles soon. Sometimes, I get a little emotional about it.  

Me as a baby:

How far along? 24 weeks (I do these a week behind as a recap of the previous week, so I'm actually 25 weeks today). 

Total weight gain/loss: I found out that I've gained 10 lbs. so far at my 24-week OB appointment. Must be all those Thin Mints, haha!  I feel good about my body right now and love watching my belly grow. It's hard to predict how you'll feel about your body as it's changing, but I've been really happy and comfortable (and, this is totally cheesy, but I am just so in awe that my body is growing a human life).

Some of you have asked about my workout routine and the truth is, there isn't one.  I had always wanted to maintain a workout routine during pregnancy, but when my OB encouraged me to slow it down in first trimester and I was so sick (and exhausted) every night, the last thing I had the energy for was going to the gym.  I wanted to start working out again in second trimester, but it hasn't happened. Starting a routine now, even a low impact one, just hasn't been on the priority list. I try to walk during the day and on weekends I plan all of my errands to involve lots of walking and I'm still cleaning the house like usual (which counts as a workout to me!) I'm feeling good and that's all that matters. 

Maternity clothes? Still wearing maternity pants and regular tops and blouses. I'm eager for the weather to warm up so I can wear dresses more often.

Stretch marks? Not yet. I'm continuing to use Belli's Elasticity Belly OilMamma Mio Tummy Rub and Mustela double-action stretch mark cream in rotation, at night only.

Symptoms: I am waking up most nights to pee now and I have some occasional very minor pain/discomfort from sleeping on my left side and the pressure it puts on my butt/thigh on my left side.

Sleep: Still using my Snoogle and sleeping well most nights. Just waking up to pee once or twice, but I usually go right back to sleep.

Best moment this week: Making it to 24 weeks and having a good 24 week appointment. It was also awesome to purchase our stroller. 

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Not really

Movement: I am feeling baby girl a lot more now. Throughout the day on and off and in the evening and at night/early morning too. Some days she is more 
active than others.

Food cravings: THIN MINTS. God bless the Girl Scouts of America.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.

Have you started to show yet: Definitely! The photos in this post are from 23 weeks, but we attended a wedding reception over the weekend and my belly has definitely popped more. 

More recent:

Baby is a: Girl!

Belly Button in or out? Still in, but definitely shallower by the day

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy

Looking forward to: Painting the nursery and just preparing for baby in general.  I'm also excited to take all of the classes we've signed up for, but those aren't until April.

Thank you for reading and for all of my pregnant readers, please feel free to check in below as well and let me know how your pregnancy is going :) I also welcome everyone's advice and comments about pregnancy!

*The photos in this post were taken by Allen Kramer---he is a photographer at my workplace and we took these photos for fun because they got a new studio space and they were testing out all of the lights in the new studio :)


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