23 Weeks!

I've really been enjoying pregnancy so far. Other than some brief discomfort here and there, I've been fortunate to have a fairly symptom-free and happy second trimester.  

Having said that, week 23 was the first time I felt like my hormones were really in overdrive. I was more emotional than usual, though some of that was definitely triggered by the fact that yet another person drove into my car over the weekend.  Yes, really. I was fully stopped at a traffic light and had been for a minute or so and the SUV behind me was completely stopped too. Suddenly, the lady just drove into my car because her foot slipped off the brake.  Thankfully, it was just a "tap." I have been driving our SUV to work most of the time for the past few weeks and the one time I get back into my regular car, within 10 minutes, someone hits me.  I would get it if I was always slamming on my brakes, but people hit me when I've been stopped for a minute or more at a light. I guess people just aren't paying attention (or texting, or whatever they're doing). I'm sure some of my Houston readers can relate to how awful some of the drivers are here. I just wish people were more careful.

Anyway, enough about driving. Let's talk about happier things---like the fact that I'm 24 weeks along as I write this post!  Viability is a milestone in every pregnancy and I'm always praying that baby continues to grow and thrive until she's ready to arrive, hopefully at around 40 weeks.

We've been visiting daycares for the last couple of weeks and we're already on the waiting list for our top choice center. Depending on how the waiting list moves at our top choice, we may need about 4 months of interim care so we are looking into other daycares or a nanny.  I thought that touring daycares halfway through my pregnancy was good timing, but truthfully, I wish we would have started sooner, as the most in-demand daycares have wait lists of up to a year for infant care.  Fortunately, many have no wait lists at all (for when we would need to start). We have 8 months left, including the remainder of my pregnancy and the time off from work, so I know it will all work out no matter what we end up doing.

How far along? 23 weeks (I do these a week behind as a recap of the previous week, so I'm actually 24 weeks today.)

Total weight gain/loss: I'm thinking about 5-7 lbs so far, could be more. I will find out my total weight gain at my 24 week appointment tomorrow.

Maternity clothes? I'm wearing my GAP maternity pants and normal tops and dresses.  I mentioned in a previous post that I'm trying to avoid buying a lot of maternity clothes because I have a lot in my closet that I think can work as I grow. I also had a generous co-worker who is my same size and height give me a ton of her maternity clothes, which is awesome.  She had her last baby in January so I was thrilled to inherit some clothing that I can grow into.

Stretch marks? Not yet. I'm continuing to use Belli's Elasticity Belly OilMamma Mio Tummy Rub and Mustela double-action stretch mark cream in rotation, at night only.

Symptoms: I've had some round ligament pain and my skin is really itchy/breaking out in hives. I stopped taking my antihistamine for my chronic hives before I got pregnant and I think using indoor heating has dried out and aggravated my skin.  Other than that I am feeling good.

Sleep: Still using my Snoogle. I've noticed some hip pain some nights/mornings from sleeping on my left side the entire night but it doesn't last long once I'm up and moving again. I've had some trouble sleeping a couple of nights too, but it's not every night. Overall I'd say I sleep well most nights. 

Best moment this week: Feeling like things are getting done---daycare visits, registries, ordering our glider, etc. I just feel like things are moving along and that's a good feeling.

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Not really

Movement: Still feeling movement daily, some days more than others

Food cravings: cookies n' cream ice cream

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nothing I can think of

Have you started to show yet: Definitely, though I haven't seen a ton of progress as far as growth, I do think my belly looks a little larger

(as you can see, I am still carrying really low and have
a feeling baby is still transverse based on the movements I feel)

Baby is a: Girl!

Belly Button in or out? Still in, but definitely shallower by the day

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy---though a little more emotional than I usually am

Looking forward to: Checking things off on the baby to-do list

Thank you for reading and for all of my pregnant readers, please feel free to check in below as well and let me know how your pregnancy is going :) I also welcome everyone's advice and comments about pregnancy!


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