21 weeks!

I think the halfway point of pregnancy kind of brought out a sense of urgency in me.  Suddenly I started to think about how I haven't ordered much yet so I started to (in a panic) use the task list app on my iPhone to make a list of all of the things we need to do before baby arrives (tour daycares, have nursery painted, curtains installed, decorate nursery, check into baby's baptism, finish all of those books, take infant care and infant CPR classes, book maternity and newborn shoot...and the list goes on and on).  

Realistically I know there's still a lot of time and I feel ridiculous to even feel a sense of urgency at this point, but I think making the list made me feel better. It's all manageable.

I'm experiencing a lot of indecisiveness too. I go to baby stores and just browse around saying "oh this is cute and that is cute," but I rarely buy anything (hard to believe, I know!).  I've purchased some onesies and a couple of other clothing items but for some reason I get hesitant to buy a lot of stuff. Silly, I know.  Same goes for nursery items. I'm always second-guessing the gliders I'm looking at and the crib, even though I've loved it from the start.

I realized I just need to start ordering things instead of stalling, since many items can take weeks to come in (and everything is returnable if I change my mind).  I also plan to make some of the artwork in the nursery myself, so next weekend I'd like to make a trip to Michael's to buy some supplies and get started. 

Here are a few items I've purchased so far:

(Old Navy)


How far along? 21 weeks (I do these a week behind as a recap of the previous week, so I'm actually 22 weeks today.)

Total weight gain/loss: About 5 lbs so far. I weighed myself when I was at the hospital (more on that later).

Maternity clothes? Still wearing maternity pants and regular tops.  I'm really enjoying styling my outfits now that I've got a little bit of a bump. I also LOVE maternity pants, like whoa. I don't know how you can ever go back after the awesome comfort of maternity pants!

Stretch marks? I'm continuing to use Belli's Elasticity Belly OilMamma Mio Tummy Rub and Mustela double-action stretch mark cream.  Just to clarify for those who have asked---I use these in rotation, not all at once! I heard so many great reviews on all three creams that I decided to get them all to last me through the entire pregnancy and just rotate them. I like that they all have different scents and textures.

Symptoms: Still peeing a ton. Sometimes I get round ligament pains. Other than those, I've been feeling good.

Sleep: Still using my Snoogle and have been sleeping pretty well this week.

Best moment this week: 
At 21 weeks, 5 days pregnant, I woke up with some aching pain very low in my abdomen, on the right side only.  The pain intensified as the day went on and I even experienced sharp pain when I peed. I was okay when I was sitting but the moment I stood up/walked I felt an intense ache that wouldn't go away combined with a lot of pressure and jabs of pain. Sometimes the sudden sharp pain took my breath away a little bit, but I tried to just walk through it thinking it would go away.

I have had round ligament pain before but this felt different. I ended up calling my OB's office and they told me to go to the assessment center to rule out a UTI (which is what I thought the issue might be) or another problem.  The nurse checked me out and said the baby was good and very active and then asked a bunch of questions about my symptoms. They did a urine dip and it came back completely clean (so no infection, which was great). 

The doctor came in to see me and it turns out that baby is growing and lying transverse, and her head is putting a lot of pressure on the ligaments on my right side.  The doctor even placed my hands on my belly so I could feel where the baby was---baby girl is super low and lying right across my belly, I could feel where she started and ended. The doctor told me the pain I was feeling was just due to baby's position and because I'm on the smaller side, and that everything is normal.  I was relieved.  

I may try the 30 second daily inversion recommended on spinningbabies.com to see if I can get baby into a more comfortable position.  At the end of the day, some discomfort is totally worth it if baby is happy and healthy in there, but I figure it can't hurt to give this a try. Let me know if you've tried any spinning babies techniques! Of course I will consult my OB first :)

Okay, so that didn't sound like a "best moment," but I'm just feeling really blessed that everything is okay. I think when you're a first time mom it's sometimes hard to tell what's normal and what's not.  I wasn't even going to call my OB and planned to wait it out another 24 hours but a few of my co-workers encouraged me to place the call to have peace of mind. 

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Not having to pee every 25 minutes.

Movement: I'm feeling movement daily and I absolutely love it :)

Food cravings: A classic cheeseburger. YUM! 

Anything making you queasy or sick: Still grilled chicken and iceberg lettuce. I can eat any other salad, just not iceberg. 

Have you started to show yet:  Yes, and I love it. I still love to alternate between fitted and looser tops, but it's fun to watch my growing bump. 

(21 week bump!)

Baby is a: Girl!

Belly Button in or out? Still in.

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: 21 weeks was the first time I started to feel cranky during my pregnancy. Second trimester has been wonderful and I've felt great for the most part, but I seemed to be really sensitive and cranky this week, especially in the mornings (I'm usually not). I'm just going to chalk it up to pregnancy hormones because it's not typical for me to be cranky like that. Overall though, still happy :)

Looking forward to: Hitting the 24-week mark, ordering more items for the nursery, checking off items on my to-do list. 

What I'm reading: Baby Bargains---I started to work on my registries over the weekend and this book has been a Godsend. I'm also reading a lot of baby product recommendations on the blogs I follow. I'm also still reading the Mayo Clinic's Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy---trying not to skip ahead too far, but I'm finally getting into the chapters on the actual birth.

A co-worker lent me two books on breastfeeding as well which I am really looking forward to reading once I'm further along (they're The Nursing Mother's Companion and the Ultimate Breastfeeding Book of Answers). I am fortunate to be delivering at a hospital that provides incredible lactation support as well.

Thank you for reading and for all of my pregnant readers, please feel free to check in below as well and let me know how your pregnancy is going :) I also welcome everyone's advice and comments about pregnancy!


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