How We Found Out I was Pregnant!

Thank you to everyone who left such sweet and thoughtful comments on my last post.  We are just over the moon about the baby and I cannot wait to share our journey with all of you!  I was so touched by so many of you who told me that being a mom is the most incredible feeling in the world---I've always longed to be a mother and I cannot wait to feel that overwhelming sense of love for our child. I am also slowly working on responding to all of the beautiful emails and messages many of you sent---so thank you again for your patience, I promise I will respond soon!

After this post about trying to conceive, I am going to do a summary post that covers my entire first trimester and then I'll do weekly updates from then on (starting this Wednesday with 14 Weeks).

My husband and I decided to start trying to conceive this September.  During the month of August, I started to take prenatal vitamins and began to discontinue taking the prescription medications I was on (an antihistamine for my chronic hives and an antibiotic for my acne).  By the time we were officially trying, I had been off all medications for just over two weeks. Since I went off the pill in January, my cycles have been between 36 and 37 days long, for reference.

At the time, I was also reading the popular book, Taking Charge of Your Fertility, which I highly recommend to any woman who is trying to conceive or simply would like to know more about her body.

I had also purchased a Clear Blue Digital Ovulation Prediction Kit so that I could have a better idea of when I was about to ovulate to increase our chances of conceiving.  Truthfully, one of my biggest fears has always been that I would not be able to get pregnant. I don't know why I had that fear, but I think it's because I have always wanted to be a mother so badly and I'm a chronic worrier that "things won't work out." I was the same way about our new house (thinking our buyer would fall through) and the same way about my new job (worried, for some reason, that they wouldn't hire me after all.)  So I wanted to educate myself about my body and give myself the best chance possible so I felt more empowered.  I realize that for some, this may seem like overkill, but I really wanted to try to have my first child by the time I was 30. To each their own, I suppose :)

(I was pregnant in this photo---I had just found out a couple of days before it was taken!)

After reading TCOYF, I was much more aware of the physical signs that your body is about to ovulate.  One day at work, I noticed some of the telltale signs and when I got home that evening, I used one of the Clear Blue ovulation prediction sticks and immediately got a smiley face (a positive read for an LH surge).  It was the first time I had used the ovulation predictor because it was the first month we tried, so I never used more than that one stick, as I had missed the window to start testing at the time the packaging says to start.  Instead, I tried to first recognize the signs in my body before actually testing to see if I was right about what my body was telling me---and that day, I was. 

A couple of weeks after I got my positive read on the ovulation predictor, I started to experience PMS/pre-period-like symptoms.  I had a lot of dull cramping that was quite frequent and my breasts were tender and sensitive.  I truly thought my body was preparing for my period, but that was okay because I figured we had plenty of more months to try again.  Of course I thought it would be incredible if I did get pregnant, but I was almost certain my body was just preparing for my period.

Then one morning, as I was about to step into the shower, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and noticed that (TMI alert!) my nipples looked a little darker in color.  Though I had the cramping and tenderness, I still felt there was no way I was pregnant---but after seeing that change, I briefly entertained the idea since I had never noticed that particular "symptom" before I got my period.

I also started taking my temperatures for about two weeks after I got my positive ovulation predictor test, but really, charting is not effective unless you do it for your entire cycle. I was just doing it to see if I was seeing a consistently higher temperature. I did notice that my temperature seemed to stay on the higher end, but I didn't really get my hopes up because I didn't have a few months of charts to compare it to. I told myself I would chart consistently the next month.

I didn't want to test too early, so I waited until one day before my missed period.  I had purchased a Clear Blue Digital pregnancy test (I liked that it was a simple "pregnant" or "not pregnant" answer) and placed it on my bathroom counter to use the next morning.

My husband and I both got up to get ready for work and I told him "I'm going to test now."  He walked down the hall to use the other restroom and I went into our master bathroom to pee on the stick.  As I sat there, holding the test in my hand, staring at the blank screen, my heart was beating harder and faster than I ever remember.  Within about 20 seconds the screen went from blank, to the word "pregnant."  I was stunned. I ran out of the bathroom and yelled to my husband "oh my gosh it's positive!"  and he said "what do you mean, I was gone for less than 30 seconds, how is that possible!?" and I said "I don't know it just turned positive really quickly." And then we hugged and just took in the moment---admittedly, I was still in a state of shock. I drove to work that morning and was in a happy daze at what had happened at home.  

(both of my pregnancy tests- it had been 24 hours so the screen on the first one went blank )

My husband, still amazed that the test was positive jokingly told me to take another one the next morning.  So I did, and that one was positive too.  The digital tests stay "on" for about 24 hours and I remember how surreal it felt to see those two screens say "pregnant" every time I saw them on my counter.

So, there's the story of how we found out!  We feel incredibly fortunate for this amazing blessing and could not be happier.

(my very first ultrasound---I heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time here and I cried like a baby.  
I also joked that the baby looked like an engagement ring)

As far as what is to come for this blog, I am finally feeling like I have some more energy, so expect more posts in the coming weeks. I hope to resume outfit posts as well. I am still fitting into all of my regular clothes so I look forward to when I have to dress for my bump because that will be a fun challenge for me (or maybe not so fun...we shall see!)  

I will of course be blogging about the pregnancy/baby but I am not sure how often aside from the weekly updates and these initial announcement/how we found out/first trimester recap posts. Personally, I have really enjoyed following all of my blogger friends on their pregnancy journeys and into motherhood, and I hope you'll follow me along on mine :)

Thank you again for all of the well wishes, thoughts and prayers.  To answer a few questions before I go---YES we will be finding out the sex of the baby (probably at our 20 week a/s, if not sooner) and yes, we have some names picked out but I won't share those until later on.

Have a great week everyone!


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