Three Month Favorites

This post is a little late...but here's what Harper and me have been loving at three months!

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8

Uppa Baby Vista stroller- we started to take Harper out a lot more after she got her 2 month shots so our stroller has been essential. We no longer use the bassinet- we either use the regular seat tilted back or our car seat with the uppababy adapter. It takes a little bit of use to get the hang of folding it down (I had to call Kevin from the parking lot of IKEA the first time I tried it because I just couldn't get it to fold) but once you figure it out, you're golden.

That's Not My Panda book-  I like that it has high contrast images and textures. It's been fun starting to read to Harper now that she pays a little more attention.

Marina the Mermaid (by Lamaze)- Finally! A baby toy with red hair. This too-cute mermaid has so many textures and colors---and even a little mirror. Harper loves to hold her, touch her and put the hair pieces in her mouth. Babies. eating. all. of. the. things.

O-Ball- Every baby needs one of these as a first toy. Oh my goodness they are so awesome. All of the holes allow baby to grab the ball and hang on to it. It's a great toy for teaching your baby how to hold things when they first start to grab at objects. A must-have! It also comes in a rattle form---we have one of those too!

Lovey- Harper loves loveys. She loves to take naps with them. They are so soft and they just seem to soothe and relax her. She uses one from PBK (a bunny) and one from RH B&C (an elephant that Kevin got me for Christmas when I was pregnant).

Dr. Smith's Diaper Rash Ointment- We are fortunate not to have to deal with diaper rash recently, but Harper did experience diaper rash when she was about 1.5 months old so we use cream preventatively. Not during every diaper change but if she's a little red or if she's had a couple of diapers I will apply some of the cream to protect her skin and in hopes of eliminating rash before it starts. We also have this ointment at daycare for them to use on Harper. I like that it's a true ointment and it just feels very smooth and rich on the skin.

Baby toy rings- Obsessed with these! We use these multi-purpose rings to hang toys from her beloved activity mat and her swing---anything goes! She loves to grab her toys when she is playing on her mat and these allow us to bring them down closer to her level.

Chicco KeyFit 30 carseat- At first, our carseat was the most intimidating thing ever. I always felt like I was doing it wrong and could never get it tight enough, etc. I watched YouTube videos and they helped, but nothing is better than seeing a carseat specialist so that's what we did. She taught us how to correctly use the straps to ensure the most snug and safe fit. It's so worth it to have that peace of mind.

What did you love at 3 months? Share your recommendations in the comments below!  For four months we are looking to buy an exersaucer and more interactive toys.


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