25 weeks!

Week 25 was great because we got a lot accomplished for the nursery. We ordered our crib, bedding and curtains (I had waited until there was another sale at Restoration Hardware Baby & Child before we made additional purchases).  I can't wait to share everything with you all as it all comes in, but I'll save that all for some nursery progress posts.

This weekend we plan to start painting the nursery.  I'm going to do the cutting-in and my husband will paint the walls. We are using no-VOC paint so I can participate (and because I've read you should always use no-VOC paint in children's rooms as it doesn't need to off-gas like regular paint).  We painted most of the rooms in our last home and the nursery isn't huge so we decided to make it a weekend project :)

The room will be a soft light gray with white trim (the trim is already painted so we don't have to re-do it).  I'm going for a look that's really clean and airy but also elegant.  I'm lucky to have a Restoration Hardware Baby & Child showroom in my city and that's the exact "look" I love for nurseries---no themes, no cartoon-ish things---just clean and elegant with some feminine touches.  To give you an idea of some of the looks I'm most drawn to, I'm posting some of my favorite images from the room gallery on the RH B&C website:

To me, these rooms feel really calm, classic and serene, which is exactly the look I hope to achieve. I'm crossing my fingers that it all comes together once everything we ordered comes in.  One of the reasons I wanted to get all of the big pieces ordered now is so that I would have time to return anything that didn't work since it can take weeks to get furniture in.  

My husband also assembled our Uppababy Vista stroller and it's hanging out in our guest room. One of my readers recommend we unbox it and let it air out because the smell can be strong when you first take it out of the box and she was 100% right---so thank you!  Thank you as well for all of the great feedback on the Uppababy Vista from my last post. It was really reassuring to read how many of you mommas love it!

I also had a dental cleaning done this week. My OB told me it's important to have your teeth cleaned during pregnancy because all of the hormones make can make your gums extra-inflammed and sensitive.  I have been keeping up with flossing and finally had a cleaning done at 25 weeks. My dentist said all looked well (though, we didn't do x-rays of course, so after I have the baby I will go back in for that to make sure there aren't any cavities or other concerns).  Something I wanted to share was that my dentist's office (I go to FLOSS dental) does complimentary "mommy cleanings" before your due date. How amazing is that?  Again, because your gums can be more sensitive at this time, they offer a free cleaning before you have the baby to make sure everything looks good. I thought that was really considerate. I love my dentist!

Now, let's get to this week's update:

How far along? 25 weeks (I do these a week behind as a recap of the previous week, so I'm actually 26 weeks today). 

Total weight gain/loss: About 10 lbs and increasing I'm sure. As I've mentioned before, I don't own a scale so I count on my OB appointments for weight updates. I have to be honest and say I'm not really watching what I eat. My goal is to eat healthy during the day and at night if I want ice cream, Thin Mints, chips, whatever, I have them. I was that way before I was pregnant too and it always worked out for me because I never deprived myself.  I've always had a huge sweet tooth and it's certainly just as strong now.  As long as I am eating balanced meals throughout the day, I'm good.

Just to give you a sampling of what I like to eat during the day at work, here are some of my favorite meals and snacks (I still eat every 2-3 hours, just like before I was pregnant).

  • A bowl of oatmeal with a little bit of brown sugar or cinnamon and strawberries, blueberries and blackberries (I eat this 4-5 times a week at work)
  • Whole grain waffles (Kashi) with strawberry preserves
  • Honey Nut Cheerios with milk (usually on weekends)
  • Big bowl of soup and side salad or fruit
  • Peanut butter sandwich and an apple
  • Chicken salad sandwich with fruit
  • Dinner leftovers
  • Chicken and rice from the cafeteria
  • Flatbread pizza from the cafeteria (usually veggie or margarita with chicken)
  • Cheese cubes and wheat thins (or another cracker)
  • Fruit
  • Nutri Grain bar
  • Veggies with ranch dip
  • Peanut butter with crackers
  • Greek yogurt
  • KIND bar
  • Veggie straws
Maternity clothes? Still wearing maternity pants and regular tops and blouses. I also washed all of the maternity clothes that my co-worker gave to me so I can wear them as I grow. 

Stretch marks? Not yet. I'm continuing to use Belli's Elasticity Belly OilMamma Mio Tummy Rub and Mustela double-action stretch mark cream in rotation.

Symptoms: I am waking up most nights to pee now and I have some occasional very minor pain/discomfort from sleeping on my left side and the pressure it puts on my butt/thigh area on my left side. I feel fortunate to still be feeling really good most days and I definitely thank the Lord in my prayers every night for this.

Sleep: I'm sleeping pretty well, except for on weekends when I have a harder time sleeping in.
Best moment this week: Making progress ordering things for the nursery and getting my teeth cleaned (feels good to be ticking items off of the before-baby-comes to-do list!) My co-worker also visited the office yesterday with her sweet 8-week old baby girl and she absolutely melted my heart. She is so sweet and tiny and holding her felt amazing. I can't wait.

Have you told family and friends: Yes!

Miss Anything? Only sleeping on my stomach

Movement: Still feeling baby girl quite a bit!  I love it every time I feel her move and kick. Sometimes I even feel her kick if I wake up throughout the night and at other random times. It's the best feeling.

Food cravings: Thin Mints, cheese, cereal with milk, cookies n' cream ice cream.

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope.

Have you started to show yet: Oh yes!

Baby is a: Girl!

Belly Button in or out? Still in, but definitely shallower by the day and I suspect it will pop eventually

Wedding rings on or off? On

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy!

Looking forward to: Seeing my husband become a father, even though it's still a few months away (okay, here I go getting sappy again). My husband had to travel for work last week and while he was gone he was reading "Dad's Pregnant Too," (it was recommended by a friend who just had a baby) and it made me think about all of the amazing moments he will share with our little girl. If you've read my blog for awhile, you'll know that I did not have a good role model in my own father and that has always been really hard for me to accept because I would have loved to have a strong, loving relationship with my father had he not been the way that he is.  It always makes me emotional when I see a beautiful father/daughter relationship because every little girl deserves that. I can't wait to see my husband with our baby...I literally feel overwhelmed at the thought of how incredible it will be. I feel lucky that I married a man who wants to be an amazing father to his child. 

Thank you for reading and for all of my pregnant readers, please feel free to check in below as well and let me know how your pregnancy is going :) I also welcome everyone's advice and comments about pregnancy!


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